My own Photos
I do take some pretty good pictures from time to time but most of them are just shots of my family, or of the garden, or just reference shots for future
painting ideas and not really worthy of the title "art." I'm not going to clutter up this site with that since there is no shortage of really good photography
sites out there.
I do have a collection of sky shots I think are unusual enough, and "out worldly" enough to merit being here.
One of my favorite pastimes is to take the dog for long walks in the woods, usually late at night. I enjoy solitude and not many people are nuts
enough to sit in the woods at night. Fortunately I live far enough from big city lights to get some good shots of the stars. I just set the camera on a tripod,
sit back and listen to the Blues on the radio and let the picture take itself.
I do have some artistic shots I took while taking photography class. I'll post some of them as time allows.