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Faux and Finishes

Oh this is probably going to be the most fun class of them all.
Polymer clay is an amazing material capable of mimicking all sorts of materials.
Just a short list includes...
Wood, bone, ivory, jade, granite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, opal and more.

And one of my very favorite techniques is called "mokume gane."
That's another term stolen from other artists. In this case metal workers.

This class is all about making the blends of clay in these assorted finishes. I'll discuss how to use them to cover any number of objects. It's entirely up to you if you want to bring in objects to the second class and cover with the clay blends you just created.
Or not. You can make some fantastic beads, bracelets, cabs and other jewelry items entirely out of clay.

Prepare to be amazed, and to amaze yourself with how easy some of these techniques are.

SUPPLIES Clay. Bring or buy your own clay. And any object you want to cover, that's up to you.
Bring a plastic container to carry your raw clay home in.
I'll supply everything else.

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Jenny Mehlenbeck is the creator and owner of Artmakers Worlds ©1999 - now.