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What do you do with clay canes?

NOTE: You do NOT need to take the first cane class, or even know how to make a clay cane to take this class.
I will bring in a few small pieces just to practice with. I will bring in several larger pieces you can purchase at half the price I normally charge on line. Or your welcome to bring in your own.

We will go over some of the simplest things you can do with a clay cane, from simple slice beads, buttons and scrap book pieces.
Cane slices can also be used as a decorative feature. I'll bring in samples of that.
Then we'll proceed to more advanced beads, and veneers.

This class meets twice because many of the techniques involve baking a base shape first, then covering it with a veneer using cane slices.

Supplies needed.
Canes of course. I'll have some scrap bits to play around with but you will most likely want to either bring in more or buy some in class.
Extra clay is also a good idea. White is best for use as a base but any color will work.
Also.... objects. If it can be baked, it can be covered with clay. Feel free to bring in any of the following.
Certain brands of ball point pen. (And I'll bring in some you can have.) Glassware of all kinds. Tins. (Altoid tins are widely used by poly clay artists.) Blown eggs can be covered in clay. Even cardboard can be covered in clay. I'll bring in samples of all of the above. Something might inspire you to bring in for the second class.

even if you don't bring in something to cover, you can make a base shape out of scrap clay. A base for your new pen would be a good start.

Please do bring a plastic container to carry home your raw clay in. You'll be baking it at home.

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Jenny Mehlenbeck is the creator and owner of Artmakers Worlds ©1999 - now.